Listed as “Christiana” in the original 1766 settler list.
111 “Christenah” is named as the wife in Henry Jones/Schantz’s will and some believe this is Christiana Somers.
However some internet listings have suggested Christiana married Nathaniel Fales and then George Dobson which casts some doubt on this Somers/Jones connection. The Dobson connection is largely based on a monument in Nova Scotia dating from the 20th century and nobody has reported any primary sources to clear up this confusion.
Also, her birth year is listed as 1763 on various internet sources
86 but that seems inconsistent with her position amongst her siblings in the 1766 list. She most likely was born in the late 1750’s, and the exact date remains unknown.
To complicate matters, she is listed in the 1851 Moncton census living with her son Moses’ family, age 89 and ‘infirm’.
86 This would suggest a birth year around 1861 if the census was at the beginning of the year.