Listed as a Chemist & Druggist in the 1881 British Census. Lived at 76 York Street, London W1 in 1881.
26Listed in the 1901 census living in “Snitterfield (Park View)”, age 43 as of the census date (Mar 31, 1901), occupation Surgeon, living with his wife and daughter (son, Cyril, was off at school in London).
38 Snitterfield is a small village 4 miles northeast of Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire. There he was active in the Trevelyan Institute. (see image notes).
Years later, in 1922, his niece Frances Cecil Burt visited Snitterfield, likely accompanied by her cousin Marion Burt.
Listed in the Register of the General Medical Council in 1927 at 40 Heathfield Road, King's Heath, Birmingham and his qualification as MRCS Eng 1887 (Member of the Royal College of Surgeons).
His birthday July 26 is confirmed independently in Frances Cecil Burt’s birthday book.
1From son Cyril’s recollections:
“At the time I was born, March 3rd, 1883, my father was a house physician at Westminster Hospital. He paid his fees by keeping a chemist’s shop, with my mother in charge when he was away at the hospital...My father, with most of my male relatives, was a Congregationalist, not an Anglican, and in his eyes I was, like my sister, unquestionably destined from birth to follow him as a doctor...My father was himself a keen classical scholar, an admirer of the Romans rather than the Greeks. He taught me the Latin declensions morning by morning while I was still in my cot, with stories from Livy or Nepos as a reward...Both my parents were interested in music...My father’s tastes and temperament were classical; he admired Milton, Raphael, Mozart, Chistopher Wren, and modelled his prose style, even in his letters to me at school, on that of Dr. Johnson...
When I was ten, my father, on account of his health, took a country practice in Snitterfield, a tiny Warwickshire village where the Shakespeare family had its original home. The Trevelyans, who owned the land, had refused to allow the railway to pass through. Accordingly, day by day I trundled six miles to school at Warwick on a tricycle. As the examinations drew near, my mother regularly related how my father had once won so many prizes at St. Saviour’s Grammar School that a cab was necessary to cart them home.” [Cyril Cecil’s brother, A.F.B. Burt also attended St. Saviour’s Grammar School with great academic success.]
“There were a number of Victorian celebrities who had come to live in our part of Warwickshire: the Galtons, the Trevelyans, the Dugdales, Marie Corelli, and the Socialist Countess of Warwick. When my father had visited one of his more eminent patients, he would try to fire my ambition by describing their achievements or those of their relatives. Thus, when he had dosed Sir George Trevelyan for his rheumatism, I heard all about the famous uncle, Lord Macaulay, and devoured the celebrated essay on Milton, with disastrous effects on my literary style. Darwin Galton, an ailing old man of 80, lived three miles away at Claverdon, where Sir Francis Galton now lies buried. And since, as family physician, my father called there at least once a week, I heard more about Francis Galton than about anyone else. Next to Milton and Darwin, he was, I think, my father’s supreme example of the Ideal Man; and as a model he had the further merit of being really alive.”