William Givan Sr. & Olivia Unknown - Media
Grand Pre Covenanter Church
The 3 storey pulpit of the Horton Reformed Presbyterian Church. This is where William and Olivia Givan would have attended service. (Photo shows Carolyn Franke in summer, 2004)
Given monument at Grand Pre Covenanter Church
Inscription reads “WILLIAM GIVEN died Mar. 2, 1829 [sic] aged 60 years -- OLIVIA his wife died Oct 4th 1838 aged 74 years -- also their son WILLLIAM GIVIN [sic], M.D. died Dec 3 1829 [sic] aged 38 years”. The monument must have been added later since it bears the wrong years of death for the two Williams. The other 3 faces of the stone bear the inscriptions for William and Olivia’s daughter Eliza with her husband Oliver Crawford, William’s sister Margaret Rankin, her son Hugh Blackburn Rankin and two of Hugh’s daughters Olivia and Eliza Jane.