Notes for James Sutherland Jr.
James is of Scottish descent, but born in France as verified on several sources. On one U.S. Census, daughter Matilda lists father’s place of birth as France.
17 James’ father was a military man in the 59th Regiment and was involved with the Napoleonic wars accompanied by his wife which is why James was born in St. Jean de Luz, France.
James is listed in the UK censuses in Claverton, Somerset as age 47 in the Apr 7, 1861 census, age 58 in 1871, and age 67 in 1881 - all suggesting a birth year of either 1813 or 1814.
The city of James’ birth is described variously on transcriptions of the UK censuses as “St. Jane de Luse”, “St. Ian de Luye” and “St. Jan de Luse”, which in fact turned out to be St. Jean de Luz in the southwest of France. This is a port town in the Basque region, and in November 1813, the Marquess of Wellington and his forces were based there during the Peninsular war against Napoleon’s forces. Dave Ingham’s book on the 59th regiment confirmed that James was born there in December 1813
140, and his baptismal record occurs there the next month.
8Kathleen Givan’s memoirs say that Matilda’s father (James) was himself a military man, which is corroborated by the census data. The 1881 census tells us he is a pensioner from the 59th Regiment of the Foot (the same Regiment his father was in); the 59th Regiment of the Foot was also known as the “2nd Nottingham”. His obituary reveals he started as a drummer boy at age 13 and ended as a sergeant.
His military discharge papers on record at the National Archives at Kew Gardens in London reveal that he enlisted in the 59 Regiment in Cawnpore, India on April 21, 1826 “appearing to be thirteen Years old” (in fact he was 12!). He is described as “four Feet three 3/4 Inches high, Fair Complexion, Grey Eyes, Sandy Hair”. He “voluntarily inlisted himself, for the Bounty of Two Guineas or Sixteen Sicca Rupees”. He first appears in the 59th Regiment musters on May 1826 in Cawnpore, India in the 7th company under Captain John Cowper where he is listed as “Boy”.
141 Aside from his service in India, his foreign service also included 6 years and 75 days in the Mediterranean (probably in Malta and Corfu).
On his discharge papers from the 59th Regiment at age 39 in 1852, he is described as “5 Feet 5 Inches, Hair Sandy, Eyes Grey, Complexion fair”. He was recommended for the medal and gratuity for Long Service and Good Conduct.
The 1861 census gives the detail that later, after discharge from the regular army, he was a Colour Sergeant with the Militia, corroborated by his obituary. It was the 2nd Somerset Militia, based not far from his home.
An internet description of “Colour Sergeant”:
“The rank of Colour Sergeant was introduced into the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars to reward long-serving sergeants. Historically, Colour Sergeants of British line regiments were tasked to protect Ensigns or junior officers who were responsible for carrying their battalions' Colours (flag or insignia) to rally troops in battles. For this reason the Colour Sergeant rank was considered a prestigious one given normally to courageous Sergeants who had attained accomplishments in battles.”
On his daughter Catherine’s birth registration his occupation is listed as “Sergeant 2nd Somerset Militia”.
8 An internet description of “Militia”:
“A series of further Militia Acts, notably in 1761, 1768 and 1802 had the effect of transforming the Militia from a local police and and national defence force into a reserve for the Regular Army. Those earlier functions were now filled by the Volunteers. Between 1808 and 1812 another series of Acts made Militia service compulsory for men between the ages of 18 and 30. In the 1850s, almost every Militia regiment was mobilised for home defence in order to release the whole Regular Army to cope with the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny.”
The 1861 census gives the birthplaces of his children thus indicating he was stationed in Thurles, County Tipperary, Ireland in 1848, Kerry, Ireland in 1850 (where Matilda was born) and Dublin in 1853. The next child was born in Claverton, Somerset, England in 1855, where he remained in retirement. Claverton is a small village about 4 miles southeast from Bath.
In the 1871 census they lived in “Private Cottage”, Claverton, while the 1881 census lists him on Warminster Road, Claverton, living with his wife Anna M.
Kathleen Givan’s memoirs said that Matilda’s mother had died and her father had remarried but she was mistaken on this point and probably confused her grandmother Matilda with Anna Jones, her other grandmother, whose father definitely remarried after his wife died.
4His age at death was 75 in the 3rd quarter of the year 1889 again suggesting his birthday was in late 1813 or early 1814.
37 In 1891 his wife is listed on census as a widow.
Obituaries notes for James Sutherland Jr.
from “The Lilywhite’s Gazette”, Sept. 1st, 1889:
“Claverton.-- The funeral of Sergeant James Sutherland took place at Claverton on Tuesday amid many manifestations of respect. His career, especially in its earlier stages, was romantic and eventful. He was the son of a soldier who fought under Wellington in the Peninsular and at Waterloo, and his mother, who followed her husband’s regiment, was captured by the French and lodged in a stable at St. Jean de Luz, in the Pyrenees. In this stable the late sergeant first saw the light. He afterwards entered the service as drummer boy, and rose to the rank of sergeant. He served in the 59th Foot for 22 years, most of which were spent in foreign service, during which time he acquired a tolerable knowledge of Hindustani. He was formerly band-master and colour-sergeant of the Militia when they were stationed at the Barracks here. On the formation of the Volunteers he entered zealously into the movement and was the first colour-sergeant in our local force. He was at one time Drill Insturctor to the Avon Vale Company of Volunteers. He was carried to the grave by eight of his old neighbours, and a number of persons assembled to pay a tribute of respect to his memory. The funeral service was fully choral, and was conducted by the Rector of Claverton, the Rev. J. E. Waldy, and the Rev. Henry Girdlestone, Vicar of Bathampton. Mr. Harvey was organist. Among those who followed the coffin, which was covered with crosses and wreaths and had the sergeant’s helmet and sword and the Union Jack on the top, were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Skrine and Miss Skrine, Mrs. and Miss Waldy and the Messrs. Waldy, Miss Bradshaw, Mrs. Collar, Messrs. D’Arcy, Mulcock, Warman, Collar, Perry, Watson, Grant, Taylor, Cann, Smart, Osmund, Ashford, and Colour-sergeant Morgan and Sergeant Allen. The widow, with two sons and two daughters, also followed. The hymn sung in the Church was “Jerusalem the Golden.” and at the grave-side “Now the labourer’s task is o’er.” After the Benediction the choir chanted the Nunc Dimmittis.
--Bath Journal.”